Thursday, June 25, 2009

Randall and I just went on one of the funnest camping trips ever! It was only like 36 hours, basically, but it felt so much longer. One of my favorite things about camping is sitting around and playing games, poking the campfire with a stick, eating smores, or just talking. We DEFINITELY laughed a lot, became smore professionals, and annoyed the fire with our poking sticks :)

For detail-oriented people, we were the Lafayette Campground in Franconia, NH. It was spectacular.

I'm so thankful for the friends God has given us and the support we've needed as we start out on our marriage journey. It's been a blast and it seems to only get better :)


  1. HOW DID I NOT KNOW YOU HAD A BLOG?!?!?! This has absolutely made my day! Now, I will go and read every single one of your posts :) Love you sweet, beautiful Joy...

    xoxo - Sara

  2. And dont forget about "him way" ha ha ha I am so thankful for that trip and our time together :) Love you!

  3. Yay!!! I totally forgot about "him way!" I love you, too :) I miss those "him way" moments...
