Thursday, September 24, 2009

So, as sometimes happens in life, I stumbled upon a crock pot today...

So, my co-workers and I are coming back from lunch today, and, thankfully we parked "out back," assuming all the good parking spots were spoken for, when all the sudden, as we walk toward the door, we stumble upon a crock pot. Yes, a crock pot. Plugged into an outside outlet and everything...

It's the little things in life... :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tarsha's Finish Line!

It was SO cool to see my walking buddy, Tarsha, cross the finish line of the Boston 3-Day, 60-mile walk to cure breast cancer! Blisters, sweat, aches, and pains accompanied her, she did it and I'm so proud!

This is the victory walk all the participants did at the closing ceremonies. I'm surprised I found her at all!

And, this, my friends, was one of her most "colorful" supporters, Ben (her brother-in-law). Love it!

Our Day in Beantown with Stephen

We went to the Museum of Science and visited the Theater of Electricity (which was awesome) and Mathematica (above). I couldn't resist taking a picture of these two Math Geniuses as "Mathematical Models." Tee hee...

On our way to find something delicious for lunch, we found this disturbing ad for cheap divorces. All I can say is :(

After the Museum of Science, trying to get on a Duck Tour (they were sold out), and visiting an awesome used-book store (, we made it to Fenway in time for our first Red Sox game!

Had to get a pick together... first Red Sox game is a BIG DEAL!

And... we won!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Randall and I just went on one of the funnest camping trips ever! It was only like 36 hours, basically, but it felt so much longer. One of my favorite things about camping is sitting around and playing games, poking the campfire with a stick, eating smores, or just talking. We DEFINITELY laughed a lot, became smore professionals, and annoyed the fire with our poking sticks :)

For detail-oriented people, we were the Lafayette Campground in Franconia, NH. It was spectacular.

I'm so thankful for the friends God has given us and the support we've needed as we start out on our marriage journey. It's been a blast and it seems to only get better :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Bike Had Enough

Well, folks, I'm sitting on the side of the road with my bike totally out of commission... his poor chain broke about 5 minutes into my ride home from work :(

Thankfully, no scrapes, no bruises, and there was no asphalt involved (praise God)!

The cool part is that my friend, Tarsha, is on the way to my rescue! :)

So, for now, I will enjoy the breeze on this perfect day a little less sweatier!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Just a Taste

Some of our new friends, Jacob and Emilie, invited us over for a wine-tasting on Saturday night... But, though the wine and cheese part was superb, it was more than that!

As you can see, Randall is thinking hard about what a "Timarou" is... guesses, anyone?

A. A South American tribal drum
B. A nomadic tribe from the Sahara
C. A little brown buffalo

Well, according to the game, Balderdash, it's "C", a little brown buffalo! WE made up the other two definitions!

Boy did we have fun! Especially after a nice wine-tasting :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Limitless Gas Mileage

Never thought I'd be a biker girl... Well, a bicycler girl :) This is our second vehicle now that Randall took a new position in Tewksbury and needs our trusty Saab. Meaning, he drops me and my bike off at work and, since I work part time, I bike home. Today was the first time and, though I don't know what the heck I'm gonna do when it rains, it was quite invigorating!

Check out the bike trail that basically goes from 3Com in Marlborough to our condo in Hudson:

A million miles to the gallon, baby!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Morning Fun!

So, he's cold in the morning... so sue him...

I love Saturday mornings! With my best friend!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


When we visited Randall's parents in Ipswich, MA, they had this COOL radiator in their guest room. The Incredible Heat Machine... sounds like a hero or something? Couldn't resist taking a picture... look out people... look out.